Salon Interview Tips
By enrolling at Rosel School, you are making important progress for your future success as a beauty professional. After you graduate, you will have opportunities to work at various beauty salons. With so many salons hiring, there are lots to choose from. Here’s a guide to help you ace your interviews and land a job at your dream salon!
Become familiar with your dream salon.
Do research and find your favorite salon you would like to work for. What are you looking for in an employer? Flexibility? Part time shifts? Competitive Pay? Write down all of your values and find a company that aligns themselves closest with your values. Then, if possible, become familiar with a staff member, and ask them how they enjoy working at the salon, and if they can offer advice.
Dress for Success
A beauty professional should dress appropriately for their job. Look at your desired salons social media pages and look at what their employees are wearing. Figure out the vibe and dress for the part, whether its casual, formal, all black, etc.
Be Friendly and professional
As a beauty professional, you must have a calm and friendly demeanor. Be professional whenever possible, and express enthusiasm for the job. Before hiring, salons will want to see if you are a good fit. Good etiquette, friendliness, and authenticity play a huge role in getting your potential employer to view you favorably.
Ask Questions
Express interest in the job. Ask your interviewer questions in order to see if the job is a right fit for you. Ask about their culture, policies, income potential, as well as anything that may be of interest to you.
Be a Good Communicator
Being an effective communicator is key to being a successful beauty professional. Be honest about your experience and expectations. Always make sure to be honest and explain your intentions to your employers, customers, and anyone you interact with.
Be open to learning
Your education does not end after graduating. As a beauty professional, you must constantly be striving to learn new beauty trends and techniques. Every day on the job can be a new experience to learn new skills and your employer will want you to be able to be versatile and adaptable.
Tell your story
Think back to challenges and situations that you have endured in life, school, or work. How have those events shaped the person you are today? Many employers ask about problems that you encountered, or situations where you have disagreed with a coworker. They ask you these questions because they want to how how you will perform in stressful situations. Give them an answer that will leave them impressed! Don’t be afraid to show your true personality.