Tuition Costs

Rosel School of Cosmetology Tuition Costs by Program

Rosel School of Cosmetology strives to make it’s education as affordable as possible to applicants. We are proud to offer financial aid through the FAFSA program. Our financial aid officer will assist students in applying for financial aid to determine eligibility. In cases where a student qualifies for the maximum amount of Pell Grant, the grant will cover approximately 80% of the tuition costs. Students are responsible for paying the rest of the balance. In addition, we offer flexible monthly payment plans to all students. 

Click here to view more information about our financial aid policy and scholarship opportunities. Please contact us for more information about tuition costs and financial aid. 

*Students must have two years of experience working at least 30 hours per week as a cosmetologist to qualify for the 500 hour Instructor Program.

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