Accreditation & Approvals
Rosel School of Cosmetology is accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences (NACCAS), the American Association of Cosmetology Schools (AACS), approved by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulations, and the Department of Education. We have also earned the title of Best Illinois Cosmetology School for 2022 by Beauty Schools Directory. In addition, we have been rated an A+ business by the Chamber of Commerce
What Does it Mean to Be Accredited?
Being accredited means that a school has fulfilled key education and performance standards set by the United States Department of Education. Accredited school are evaluated by official agencies that are recognized by the Department of Education to enforce these educational standards. The National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences (NACCAS) is the responsible agency for managing and approving the accreditation of beauty schools in the United States. In order to become accredited with NACCAS, a school must go through a rigorous evaluation process and follow accreditation guidelines. Rosel School of Cosmetology has been accredited by NACCAS since 1992. If a student or applicant would like to receive a copy of our licensure, accreditation or other credential, they should request the specific information from the school administrator. Please contact us if you would like more details about accreditation.